Calling all virgins or unorganised burners! Need to know what to pack for the burn? Look no further! After attending 3 Burning Man events in a row, I can safely say I have this down packed. Haha get it. Packed. Keep reading for my essential packing list!
1. Goggles- Not just tinted ones, clear ones too for night time
You do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT leave your camp without goggles! If you get stuck in a dust storm, you will not be able to see. I recommend getting some nice tinted ones for daytime and then clear ones so you can see at night. You can decorate them too so you look on fleek, get creative!
2. Dust masks or scarves
I love how creative people get with their dust masks! Grab a cool looking one or just slap a scarf around your neck. That dust is harsh on your lungs so you’re gonna need it when the wind starts blowing that dust in your face!

3. Head torches & other lights- DON’T BE A DARK WAD
That’s right you gotta light up! Not just cause it looks amazing, but for safety too. All the art cars, bikes and people on the playa need to know you’re there. So grab a head torch, sew some el wire on your jacket and grab a pair of light up shoes and you are good to go!
4. Sunscreen
During the day can get super hot and sunny, you don’t want to spend your week looking like a lobster. Grab some sunscreen and ensure you have all exposed areas covered- especially if you decide to run around in your birthday suit.
5. Camel pack for water
This was by far the best way to stay hydrated on playa and not have to return to camp so often. Make sure you invest in a good one too like Camelback- we had a cheap one the first year and it was terrible to fill up and leaked. We made the investment in a camelback and it was great! Simple to fill and great nozzle to suck out of. Winning.

6. Ear plugs
If you’re camping anywhere near the sound camps or in a tent- this one is a must! There are art cars and music pumping 24/7 on the playa. If you want a good nights sleep- this is the best option! Also handy to get the bass reducing ones if you’re venturing near the sound camps for a party. Those things can pump the bass!
7. Rechargeable batteries & battery packs
Reduce your MOOP (for you virgins, thats Matter Out Of Place, or essentially, rubbish) with rechargeable batteries and battery packs! We come to the burn with at least 20 AA & AAA batteries and a wall charger to keep us going for the week. So handy! We also carry a battery pack which can be used to charge phones or even directly into the LED lights on my bike or jacket. No MOOP and so convenient!
8. Gloves & warm clothes
I have not been to a burn yet where the temperature didn’t get considerably cold late in the night or just before sunrise. Especially if you are riding your bike in this weather your hands freeze so easily! I love light up gloves as they add to my light collection and keep my hands toasty. Win win.

9. Drinking vessel- preferably with a clip and lid
Burning Man is not your local bar where you can pop in and grab a drink. You must have your own drinking vessel! That’s part of the radical self reliance. I recommend a cup with a spill proof lid and spot to hang a clip on so you can hang it off your bag or belt.
10. 5HTP
This is a godsend!! A week of no sleep, partying and drinking really takes its toll on your serotonin levels. Pop one of these daily to help your body regulate your serotonin. You will be happier and feel 10/10 which means you can enjoy your burn! You’re welcome.
11. Essential oils- Yep you gotta read why for this one!
This is on of the best little tips I have learnt at Burning Man and was actually one of my gifts to people at the toilets. Take some essential oils with you- preferably in a roller bottle- and rub some on the inside of your dust mask or scarf before you go into the porta-potties. Then you smell beautiful geranium & lime as opposed to god knows what in those toilets. It makes the experience much less gag worthy.

12. Leading on from the above must pack, HAND SANITISER
Hand sanitiser is a must as sometimes there won’t be any left at the porta-potty stations. You want to keep your hands clean after touching those things. Trust me.
This one is kind of obvious but I thought I would include it cause it is seriously one of the best things about Burning Man. You can be the real you! Always wanted to wear a pair of leggings and a wig? Rock it! Always wanted to walk around naked without judgement? You can here! Always wanted to rock a g-banger and nipple pasties? No one will judge you at Burning Man! Burning Man is a judgement free zone. You meet people who have shed their layers that society expects of them, so you really do meet the real them. It’s quite refreshing.

14. Lip balm
The playa dust is harsh! Make sure you always have some lip balm in your pocket to keep your lips fresh for the week. This is another one of my playa lifesavers.
15. Bike decorations
This one is a MUST. There are literally THOUSANDS of bikes, and once they are all dusty, they look THE SAME. You don’t want to be stumbling around at 3am trying to find your bike amongst the masses. Decorate it! I recommend some lights that stand out and something tall and flashy so you can see your bike from a distance. Make it scream “you” and like an art piece in itself! Also, a good bike seat or something comfy to put over your bike seat is also handy. You’ll be riding a lot (sometimes 15-20kms a day), so that can really take its toll on your tushy.

16. HUGS & SMILES <3
Ok guys this one is a little cheesy, but seriously, it makes the playa what it is! Once you come here, you are home. You are with 69,999 other people who are your equal. We do not judge. We hug and mean it. We love you! Be prepared for a week that is going to blow your mind. Dusty hugs, art, music, beautiful people and a community of amazing souls. You might just end up needing to come back again. And again. And again… <3
If you’re loving this list and what to read more or find out more about Burning Man, read my blog post here about my top Burning Man tips!
Happy travels to the burn!!