Our secrets to full time travel

I get it, not everyone can just manifest an online business and pack up their bags and go travelling in an instant. Full time travel also isn’t for everyone, it can be stressful and requires days on end planning, researching and booking. But we often still get asked how we can afford to travel or for tips on how to live like a nomad. We share our secrets below that we learned from experience and what other nomads do to support their full time travel habits!

Build your skills to turn your passion into money

What’s better than getting paid to do what you love? Nothing really! Turn your passions into cash. Build your knowledge and skills in areas you’re passionate about so you can turn that passion into income. Many people become successful this way just doing what they love. After all, we really are here to enjoy this life so we shouldn’t be wasting our life away working a job we hate. Mastering a skill that gives you the flexibility to earn your own income should be your goal if you want to travel more. This is the golden key to full time travel. Maybe you’re good at photography or design, or maybe you’re good at writing or yoga. Master your talents so people will pay you for your knowledge and skills! If your skill is creating digitally, put yourself on a website like fiverr to make some cash which will put you well on the way to nomad life.

Working with view of New York Williamsburg Bridge
Working with view of New York & Williamsburg Bridge

Score cheap accomodation

Accommodation usually takes up most of your travelling budget so scoring cheap accomodation really helps! Travelling and staying for a month at a time can sometimes score you 30% discount on Airbnb. Use my link to get $55AUD off your first Airbnb stay! Josh and I like to stay at least two weeks if not four weeks in each destination. That way we can really live like a local, cook our own meals and save money on transit.

Sign up to become a trusted housesitter

Warning- this option is for serious animal lovers only! There are some travellers that basically never pay for accommodation as they use this website. We are new to it and already loving it! You will be responsible for someones pet, so don’t do this if you’re not going to give the pets the love and time they need. This website connects trusted pet sitters with pet owners. You agree to sit for free and care for their pets and in turn you get free accomodation! It’s a win win. Use the link here for 25% off your membership.

Couple with dog upstate New York
Josh and I with our friends dog Guapo in upstate New York

Cook food at home

Eating out can take a huge portion of your budget! Buy local fruits and veggies and enjoy home cooked meals. If you’re lucky enough to have a blender make smoothies for breakfast- great way to fill you up and get a ton of nutrients. This is also easier to do when you travel slower which is our preferred way to see the world. Fast travel means more transport costs and doesn’t give you time to really explore a new city or buy food in bulk.

Live like a local

This means catching trains or buses instead of taxis, cooking at home and avoiding some of the expensive tourist traps in some cities. We have way more fun getting lost in nature and wandering the streets than needing to splash on some crazy tourist attraction. Get local advice and tips by finding instagram accounts in the city you’re in. You’ll save more money and probably see more hidden parts of the city that are less crowded with tourists.

Score cheap travel deals with Scott’s Cheap Flights

When we do travel to a new city, we only book special flights! Our key secret is this amazing service called Scott’s Cheap Flights. The savings are phenomenal! You can sign up for free emails or pay $30 for a year membership and get all the deals from this service. Scott started by himself and now has a small team dedicated to finding the best flights all over the world! You can select your favourite places you want deals from and then see the deals fly into your inbox. You will never want to pay full price for a flight again. Well worth it if you’re planning your travel adventures!

Plane Burning Man Art
Burning Man Plane Art, 2017

Travelling can actually be cheaper than working the 9-5

Think about it. The normal cost of living and working a full time job can be expensive. Owning a car, paying for petrol, work clothes, bills, insurance, water, rent or mortgage, car registration etc.. I could go on. Arguably travelling could cost you less or the same, depending on how much you pay for flights and other transit. When you take away these costs, you realise just how affordable full time travel could potentially be.

Spend more time enjoying the free things in life

When you’re saving, one of the best ways to save is by not spending money on useless stuff or a night out drinking. Become a minimalist and only buy when you really need or benefit from something. Explore nature, walk on the beach or go hiking rather than blow money on alcohol or expensive dinners. This can help you save the money you need to travel and also give you richer life experiences! Josh and I always have the saying “experiences over stuff”. We live by this motto and it really helps us enjoy life and live with just a few items in our suitcase.

Scarborough Bluffs Toronto
Scarborough Bluffs Toronto

Work a seasonal job

What better way to get flexibility and time off during the year other than working a seasonal job? There are many places looking for seasonal workers. Doing this gives you time to budget and save so you can spend your months off seeing the world! We personally have never done this but we have seen many other bloggers who do this for their main source of income. They will work hard for 4-6 months of the year and save every penny so they can spend the rest of the year travelling.

Travelling full time isn’t for everyone but I hope we have shared some solid tips on how you can potentially travel more or even follow us and become a full time nomad! We have certainly learned a lot about ourself, different cultures and the world which we would never had done if we stayed home in Perth. Good luck and happy travels!

Olivia and Josh

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