Our Journey to Nomadic Life

Travelling the world. It’s most peoples dream isn’t it? To find that hidden waterfall. Climb that mountain. Explore that new place. Be FREE. But for most, it just seems unattainable. Well I’m here to tell you that it IS possible and why we decided to make the nomadic life our reality!

This nomadic dream was always lingering in the back of my mind. While buying a house and settling in the suburbs might be the dream for some people, it just wasn’t what we wanted. At least for now anyway. We had a strong feeling for adventure. To experience the unknown. We didn’t want to settle into a life that we were told to live. We wanted to live a life we created from our internal desires. Staying true to our souls and our happiness. We initially made a bucket list and wrote down all our hopes and dreams, everything we’ve always wanted to see and do. We said we would make that happen, then a year or so after that we would buy a house and settle in the suburbs and start growing our family.


Scarborough Bluffs, Toronto
Scarborough Bluffs, Toronto


Like any dream, there was a point we both thought it would be impossible. Heck I look back at my life years ago and how it use to be and have to pinch myself to make sure this life I’m living is real! It’s so real and your dreams can be too. It’s all about our mindset. The universe is one big mirror and will give us experiences that line up with our thoughts. Our thoughts create our reality, we can let our thoughts draw us into a dark place, or we can listen to our hearts and grow into our greatest potential. We just need to have an open mind and heart to learning and growth.

Whether you want to travel the world, or have another dream you think is unattainable, the first step is to believe you can make your dreams come true, make a plan, visualise it, feel it being real and then take steps to make it your reality. It might take a month, or it might take many years, it’s all about the journey. Life is one never-ending journey after all! We truly only ever exist in the now. People will say to us, but what about your future? We are happy and fulfilled in the now and that’s what we truly believe matters the most! When we live in fear or anxiety, we are living in the past or the future. Sit and be grateful for this moment and realise you have the power to create your reality!


Bali Sekumpul Waterfall
Sekumpul Waterfalls in Bali


How do you make your dreams come true? Turn your dreams into a plan! Take your dream from a thought to an action. Write it down and visualise it! How does this dream feel? What do you want to achieve if you made this dream come true? Once you have done this, you’ve taken that first leap into action, your next step is to take some actions and plan!


Planning is not the easiest, but is well worth it if you want to hit goals and really fulfil your souls true desires. We had to ask ourselves many questions when planning this journey. Where will we live? How will we make an income? What do we do with all our stuff? How long will we do this for? How do we get visas? These are just some of the many questions we asked ourselves. If your dream is like ours, you might ask yourself similar questions. Remember, you are the only one that will set limitations in your mind for these dreams. Sometimes we have to unlearn these limitations that are set deep in our mind. What amazing things could we all achieve if we believed there were no limits to what was possible? We must break free from these limitations!


Budapest Parliament
Budapest Parliament


Josh and I set off on our first big holiday around Europe & USA in 2015, got engaged & married in the same holiday (married twice!). We came home, organised a wedding (really it was a big three day party) with our family and friends six months later, then really started to think about our dream- to move abroad. We thought long and hard about what we both really wanted at that point in our lives. Both of us were surprised to find children and committing to a mortgage was just not what we wanted right now. So that was it- we made the decision to move to New York and experience a different kind of life from Perth! How does one turn a dream into a reality? With some planning and a little bit of faith in the universe of course!


Tulum, Mexico
Tulum, Mexico


Our initial dream was to move to New York for a year or two. After multiple attempts to get a Green Card (through the Green Card Lottery) and looking at options for Josh’s business, it ended up being too lengthy and costly of a process. We were a bit bummed, but we knew that this wasn’t the end of our dream. Instead of moving permanently, we would just float around and live out of our suitcases. We instead applied for a six month travel visa called the B1/B2 Visa for USA which is valid for five years. This meant we just had to fill out some paperwork and attend an interview to obtain the visa which would make our travels through the US much easier.


Williamsburg Bridge New York
Williamsburg Bridge New York


One year after our Perth Wedding and after many hours, days & months of planning, our dream was about to start. We sold our cars, packed up our belongings, I quit my job and we moved out of our apartment in May 2017. It was all happening! With some help from my amazing parents to store some of our important belongings (thanks mum & dad!) we were ready for this next chapter in our lives. I was off to fulfil a lifelong dream of volunteering and Josh would join me three weeks later in Bali. After hanging around Bali & Australia for a few months, we packed up and left for USA to attend our third Burning Man.


CN Tower Toronto
CN Tower Toronto


After Burning man, we headed straight to New York where we had planned to spend the next six months. We had no where to stay or where to go but were hopeful it was going to work out! Talk about trusting in the universe! Our friend offered his spare room whilst we searched for a place. We attended one home open where a couple needed someone to take over their lease as they were moving elsewhere. Believe it or not, this was the place we would live in for the next six months! We took over their lease and moved in less than a week later- on Josh’s birthday. It worked out so seamlessly! We were over the moon. The only downside though was the lease was for nine months- so we had some stresses finding a new tenant to take over the remaining months. Sure enough though, an awesome couple came through two weeks before we were due to leave and agreed to take over the remaining lease. The universe provides once again! They are also now good friends of ours!


Singapore Merlion Marina Bay Sands
Singapore Merlion & Marina Bay Sands


Being in a new city was so soul fulfilling for our growth both as individuals and as a couple. We were able to experience life in a completely new city. It was exhilarating and exciting. We formed many friendships and experienced some amazing events, musicals, food and lived like a New York city local.

After six months of amazing memories in New York, it was time for us to leave. This is where our next chapter began- life out of our suitcase! We have visited eight countries since then. In August we were back in the states for our fourth Burning Man. We try to travel slow and really enjoy the cities we are in. We work along the way and have time to relax and unwind so it’s not always consistent moving. We are excited to see where our adventures will take us and are loving the memories and journey so far!


All you need is LOVE
All you need is LOVE


While living this way can have it’s moments and sometimes requires days of our time planning and re-packing, we wouldn’t have it any other way! I hope we have inspired you and know that you too can create the life you’ve always dreamed of!

Did you enjoy this post and decided you are going to live out of your suitcase and become a nomad? Read my next blog here where I share tips on how to budget, where to score cheap accomodation and flights and so much more!

Happy travels <3


Olivia and Josh


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