We are Josh and Olivia, two soulmates on this magical journey called life. Who are we and how did we meet? This is our love story! It’s a bit of a long one, so grab some popcorn. This is a story of two souls on a journey to grow and learn and be the best versions of themselves. Who then just had the stars align and the universe bring us together. Five+ weddings later, we sold all our belongings to live our lives how we want. This is our love story!

I’ll start with myself, I’m Olivia, the creator of the content here! 🙂 Josh doesn’t like reading and writing (his dyslexia is actually more of a talent than a detriment, however; it means reading sucks for him) and I have always loved it! I grew up in Perth, Western Australia with my wonderful family and have always loved being creative and had a thirst for learning and growing. Josh is from Darwin, Northern Territory. He is charismatic, charming and a talented entrepreneur. After coming to Perth for a holiday to visit his friend in 2009, Josh felt like Perth was home and loved it (he had that feeling the moment he landed for a holiday) so he packed up his life in Darwin and relocated to sunny Perth. A few years later, a magical love story was waiting to blossom. This is my side of the story of how we came to meet.

During my late teens/early twenties I got stuck with a not so nice partner who was controlling and manipulative. Over the years I had time to reinvent myself and find myself. He worked away for many weeks at a time so I had plenty of downtime to learn and grow as an individual. I learnt so much about myself and some universal truths that blew my mind. This was so powerful, I no longer felt powerless or like a victim. Slowly my self worth grew, I turned vegetarian, I meditated and practiced yoga. I was finding this inner peace in a world that was far from peaceful.
Five years of hell and I was finally strong enough to say- this is enough. The day I walked out I did not look back. I felt free and truly happy for the first time in years, like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. My gut feeling had been telling me for so long but I had kept ignoring it, telling myself it would get better and to stay. I knew it was right though and trying to guide me to something truly magical.

In 2012 I had started a new job as an Account Executive at Telstra. Even getting this job was a fluke- I had already applied for a job at Flight Centre (an Australian Travel Agency) and was due to go in for training. I turned the job down before I even had an interview for Telstra. I just had a feeling and sure enough, I got the job! Fresh on the job at Telstra, my boss at the time was discussing a new client with my satellite specialist and I happened to be sitting nearby. Of course I put my hand up to help and they handed him over to me- little did I know this was one special client! It was Josh, who owned an ATM business at the time.
Fast forward 6 months or so and this new client attends the satellite demo day for Telstra. He had a partner at the time and so did I, but I had the strongest butterflies in my stomach the moment I met him. Something felt so different about this guy, I had never had this feeling before just from meeting someone who I barely knew. Of course this was still not the right time for us so we said our goodbyes and didn’t think too much of it.

Fast forward a few more months, I had finally lefty my toxic relationship and had a new lease on life. My work friend knew I was newly single and offered me a free ticket to come to a party on an island off the coast of WA. This was on the Friday with the event being on the Sunday. Of course I said sure, I’m not one to pass up on opportunities like that. Sunday comes and my friend almost bailed as she couldn’t be bothered going; but was persuaded by my other friend to come. So we JUST make it over on the last ferry of the day. Here’s the part where it becomes one of those “coincidence or meant to be?” stories. Josh is there dancing away on the dance floor with a hat that said his name on it (he got as a gift & was personal joke with his friends). Of course I see him, recognise him and go say hello. I then get that same feeling from when I had met him almost a year earlier. Crazy butterflies! He puts his hat on me and dances with me, his bright blue eyes so mesmerising.

He asks me to leave the festival and go for a coffee so we can chat. Sparks are flying, we get along really well and agree to catch up during the week. The more we hung out, the more we realised how much we had in common and fit together like a perfect puzzle piece. We had similar upbringings, were both bullied at school, played the same childhood games, had a love for music & festivals, loved to travel & had the same goals in life. We knew we had found something so special. We were soulmates! We felt like we had known one another before in different lifetimes.

The love we have is built on a solid foundation of trust. From the very beginning we were both honest and truthful in everything. We do not hold anything in. If one of us is bothered, we talk about it. We have the same love language (love language quiz here if you want to know yours!). This has allowed us to only grow stronger and happier over the years. We were told “it’s just the honeymoon phase, give it a few months and it will ware off”, or “all couples fight, relationships are hard”. This didn’t resonate with us! We go with the motto it’s you and your partner against the problem, not you against your partner. Sure we have days where are down or grumpy (anyone else get “hangry”??), we are not perfect, but we are a team and never attack or make fun of each other in ways we know would hurt them deeply. We were both smitten and I can 100% say this hasn’t changed one bit- if anything we are even happier. Life is smooth and we spend our days happy in each others company, doing the things we love.

We both had already been in relationships that didn’t work, that were hard and that weren’t right. So we both learned valuable lessons and thus grew as individuals. Before we met, we both had dreamed of the ideal partner. We both longed for something more, someone who could understand us and feel just right. Our union together meant that whilst we are not perfect, we understand ourselves and have each others best interests at heart. We have learnt how to grow as individuals and together on this journey in life. I could not believe two people could get along so well and in harmony, especially when I reflected on my previous relationship and how toxic it was. Gives me goosebumps knowing that true love really does exist and is not unattainable!

I’ll save our wedding stories for another time, blog post to come! We hope you enjoyed reading our love story. We believe in true love and coincidences are just the universe working her magic. Follow opportunities that feel right, you never know what that small decision could mean when you look back on it, just for saying yes to life!
We look forward to sharing our adventures with you! For daily updates follow us on Instagram below or read on here to learn about why we started this blog.